Why Facebook for Small Business

As you may know, I recently launched my new business, Social Impact. Basically put, I am a free-lance social media marketer and blogger. That means people can hire me to manage their social media platforms (businesses) and blog for them.

So, why is Facebook so important to businesses in today’s world? Why is Facebook extra important to small businesses?

If you have run or owned a small business, you know how difficult it can be to “compete” with the big box stores in American today!  While those of us who have run a small business know what we offer (ie: personal service that can’t compare, unique items that can’t be found elsewhere, etc) it is hard to convey that to a mass number of people quickly and effectively.  When you own a business, there is a good chance you don’t have a large marketing budget and chances are you don’t have time to add something else to your plate.  Your resources (time and money) are already stretched thin.

Thankfully, businesses today have the opportunity to market to that large group of people through Facebook and essentially, you can do it for free!!  That’s the best part of Facebook, it’s free!  If you have the time and the skills, you can master Facebook for your business and make it one of the most effective marketing tools in your toolbox!

So why Facebook?  In the third quarter of 2015, more than 1.5 million people were actively on Facebook!  As of September 2015, over 1 billion people logged into Facebook on a daily basis!  I could go on and on with more statistics, but I think you get the point!  “Everyone” is on Facebook, so why not put the face of your business in their news feed?!  People “look to Facebook” in the sense that…the other day my husband and I were having a conversation about a business.  I said, I’ll look at their Facebook page!  Even the term “google it” is going by the way-side.  Now, we “Facebook it”!  So, when people are looking for your business, don’t you want them to see it where they already are every day?

You’re unique, your business is unique or has something unique to offer…why not make people aware?!  I’m going to tell you about a business I LOVE!  It’s the Orange Possum and it is located in Hampton, Iowa..population around 4,000.  Yup, a small north central Iowa town!  Guess how many page “likes” they have?  Over 11,000!  1452626374353.jpgOwner, Kelsey, has learned how to utilize Facebook to feature her unique store full of boutique pieces for women and young ladies!  Because of social media, she ships packages of items that people see (and ultimately purchase) on Facebook & Instagram all over the state of Iowa, the United States (including Alaska), and wait for it…she’s even shipped to Canada!  There is no way that people in those locations would know about her store if it hadn’t been for Facebook!  I’m pretty sure she’s not placing newspaper ads or paying for radio ads in Alaska and Canada.

Do you have a Facebook page for your business?  Are you taking care of it and using it to the best of your ability?  It’s such a valuable tool today that you can’t afford not to.

Need help managing your social media?  Need help learning how to use social media to your advantage?  Let’s talk!  You can follow Social Impact on Facebook!  

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